busy, busy, busy!!!!
I have been too busy to update my blog. So far I have finished 6 Magic combs, 11 soap cover with rose, 3 hobo bags, several beaded bracelets......not counting the gifts I sent to the Christmas wish list over at C'ville. I still got 6 kerchiefs to make, a couple of magic combs and 15 more of the soap cover with rose which are gifts and I have less than a week to finish everything! Oh, I still have to make gifts for my sisters and SIL. I'll be very happy when this is all over so I can make something nice for myself. LOL! Anyways, here are a couple of pictures. The kerchief is a gift for my goddaughter which I made to match a dress I bought for her. She loves headbands so I'm pretty sure she'll like this as well. The 3 hobo bags are all orders. All are made with Monaco size 10 cotton thread and some fun fur which I got from a private swap.